Sun K. Kwak (b. South Korea) is a New York-based interdisciplinary artist. She creates works that are thematically connected but take on different forms and formats from performance to animation to sculpture with various materials. Sun K. Kwak's art breaks traditional boundaries by blending dimensions and mediums, using techniques like tearing, cutting, and wrapping to transform flat surfaces into three-dimensional forms. She uses materials like tape, plastic, wire, mirror, metal, found objects to create intricate drawings that extend beyond two-dimensional spaces, changing the perception of their surroundings. Kwak's work converts the potential mass of layers of time into a physical plane, and explores concepts such as chaos and order, the unconscious and conscious, with these elements fluidly interchanging. Additionally, by intertwining the material and spiritual elements of the creative process, she establishes metaphorical connections between various dimensions, merging imagination with reality, thereby generating a unique dialogue between art and its environment.
Kwak has had site specific solo exhibitions in places such as Brooklyn Museum (New York), Queens Museum (Bulova, New York),New Art Gallery (Walsall, England), the Carleton University Art Gallery (Ottawa, Canada), the Charles B. Wang Center (Stony Brook University, New York), Gallery Skape (Seoul, Korea) Group exhibitions include Jeju Museum of Art, Korea, the 17th Architecture Venice Biennale at St. Clemente Palace Kempinski (Venice, Italy), National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Korea), the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taichung, Taiwan), Asian Art Museum (San Francisco), “Works & Process” a collaborative drawing performance at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), and the 6th Gwangju Biennale (Korea).
Press featured included at The New York Times, The New York Sun, Daily News, News Day, The New Yorker, Time Out New York, Village Voice, The Brooklyn Rail, SF Gate, San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, The Guardian, The Korea Times, Art in Culture magazine, Wallganmisool magazine, Public Art Magazine, Title Magazine, New York Magazine, Maison- Marie Claire, W-magazine, Vogue Italia, Bijutsu-Techo Japan, WNYC Radio, NY1 TV, Brooklyn News12 –TV, WNBC-TYTN TV, KBS TV, MBC TV, Arirang TV(document), YTN TV, Fuji TV .
Artist Talk/ Visiting Artist included at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2015, Cu Museum at University of Colorado Boulder, CO, 2012, New York University for a Thesis Class “Art, Culture and Society”, New York, NY, 2011, Sook Myung Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea, 2011, Brooklyn Museum, NY, 2009, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Museum, Berlin, Germany 2008, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, U.K, 2008, Pace University, NY, NY 2006, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, CA.,2001.
Permanent collection locations of her works include the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Korea), “Percent for Art” Collection of the NYC Department of Education, PS298Q, Corona, NY, Seoul City Museum of Art (Korea), Toranomon Hills Mori Tower (Tokyo, Japan), Samsung Life flagship (Gangnam, Seoul, Korea), St. Kempinski Palace, (Venice, Italy), Four Season Hotel (Orlando, Florida), CU Art Museum (University of Colorado, Boulder, CO). The James Hotel (Soho, New York) , among others.
She received her M.A. in Studio Art from New York University in 1997 and is a recipient of the Pollock Krasner Grant in both 2006 and 2011.
대한민국 서울출생, Sun K. Kwak ( 곽선경) 은 뉴욕을 기반으로 활동하는 interdisciplinary 아티스트이다. 그녀는 주제적으로 연결되어 있지만 다양한 재료를 사용하여 퍼포먼스에서 드로잉, 설치, 조각에 이르기까지 다양한 형식을 취하여 작업을 한다. 곽선경 작가는 차원과 매체를 혼합하고, 찢기, 말기, 감싸기와 같은 기법을 사용하여 평면을 3차원 형태로 변형시켜 전통적인 경계를 깨뜨린다. 테이프, 플라스틱, 와이어, 거울, 금속, 발견된 오브제 등의 재료를 사용하여 두 차원을 넘어서는 다양한 작업으로, 주변 환경에 대한 인식을 변화시킨다. 곽의 작업은 시간의 층의 잠재적 질량을 물리적 평면으로 변환하고, 혼돈과 질서, 무의식과 의식, 이러한 요소들을 교환하며 상호 작용과 같은 개념을 탐구한다. 또한 상상력과 현실, 작업과정의 물질적 요소와 영적 요소를 결합하여 다양한 차원 간의 은유적 연결을 만들어내며, 이를 통해 예술과 그 환경 간의 독특한 대화를 창출한다.
개인전: 브루클린 뮤지엄 (뉴욕), 퀸즈 뮤지엄 (불로바, 뉴욕), 뉴아트 갤러리 (월솔, 영국), 칼튼대학 아트갤러리 (캐나다 오타와), 스토니부룩 뉴욕 주립대학교 찰스 왕 센터 등 그룹전: 제주도립미술관 ( 제주, 한국), 토론토시 주최- "뉘 블랑쉬 토론토", (캐나다), 베니스 비엔날레- 성 클레멘테궁 캠핀스키(베니스, 이탈리아) , 국립현대미술관(서울, 한국), 국립 대만미술관(타이중, 대만), 아시아 미술관(샌프란시스코), 뉴욕 솔로몬 R. 구겐하임 미술관-안무가와 드로잉 퍼포먼스(뉴욕, 미국), 하우스 데르 쿨추렌 데르 밸트 Haus der Kulturen der Welt(베를린, 독일), 제6회 광주비엔날레( 광주, 한국) 외 다수가 있다.
프레스: 뉴욕타임즈, 데일리 썬, 뉴요커, 타임 아웃 뉴욕, 빌리지 보이스, 브루클린 레일, 에스에프 게이트, 센프란 시스코 크로니클, 와싱턴 포스트, 더 가디언, 코리아타임즈, 아트인컬처 매거진, 월간미술 매거진, 퍼블릭아트 매거진, 타이틀 매거진, 뉴욕 매거진, 메종 클레르 매거진, 더블유 매거진, 보그 이탈리아, Bijutsu-Techo Japan, WNYC 라디오, NY1 TV, Brooklyn News12 –TV, WNBC-TYTN TV, KBS TV, MBC TV, 아리랑TV(문서), YTN TV, 후지TV , "아웃사이더의 미학: 누가 한국 미술가인가?"/ "보편성의 미학: 세계화와 한국 미술" 박정애 저서 출판 등
아티스트 토크: Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2015, Cu Museum at the University of Colorado Boulder, CO, 2012, New York University “Art, Culture and Society” 논문 수업, 뉴욕, 2011, 숙명여대, 서울, 한국, 2011, 브루클린 미술관, NY, 2009, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Museum, 베를린, 독일 2008, Chelsea College of Art and Design, 런던, 영국, 2008, Pace University, NY, NY 2006, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, CA., 2001 등
콜렉션: 국립현대미술관(한국), 뉴욕시 교육청 “Percent for Art” 컬렉션, PS298Q, Corona, NY, 서울시립미술관(한국), Toranomon Hills Mori 등 영구 소장품 타워(일본 도쿄), 삼성생명 플래그십( 서울 강남 서초 사옥), 포시즌 호텔(플로리다 올랜도), CU 미술관(콜로라도대학교 볼더), 제임스 호텔(뉴욕 소호)등 이 있다.
2006년 , 2011년 폴록 크라스너 그랜트 수상
1997년 뉴욕 대학교 스튜디오 아트 석사
1989 숙명여자 대학교 서양화 학사
Selected Solo Exhibition
“Space Drawing” at NYB Gallery, Kirkland, WA
“Space Drawing” at CUAG, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
“Kairos”, Permanent installation on outer wall at PS298, NY_ Collection of the NYC Department of Education, Public Art for Public Schools_ PS298Q, NY
“Space Drawing” Long Term installation at Charles B. Wang Center, Stony Brook University, NY
“125 Rolls of Winding, 48 Layers of Piling, 72 Yards of Looping”, Gallery Skape, Seoul, Korea
“Dual Force”, The New Art Gallery, Walsall, England
“Enfolding 280 Hours”, Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York
“Times Composed”, Causey Contemporary Fine Art, New York
“Livable Drawing _ Gallery Skape Project”, Gallery Skape, Seoul, Korea
“Space Take-out”, Hyundai Window Gallery, Seoul, Korea
“Black Masking Tape Drawing”, Brain Factory, Seoul, Korea
“One Hundred One Hours of Conversation”, Causey Contemporary Art, New York
“Untitled”, City 75, Rockefeller Plaza, New York
“Time and Space III: Tidal Wave”, Queens Museum of Art at Bulova Center, New York
Selected Group Exhibition
The '2023 International Special Exhibition Project Jeju, Migrating Humans - Homo Migratio,' held at the Jeju Museum of Art in Korea
“Nuit Blanche”, Toronto, Canada
Venice Biennale at St. Clemente Palace Kempinsky, Venice, Italy
The 17th Architecture Venice Biennale at St. Clemente Palace Kempinsky, Venice, Italy
Virtual Exhibition of <LIGHT HOUSE+> at Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, Wayne State University, Detroit
LIGHT HOUSE+ Waterfall Gallery, NY
“Slow Art”, Waterfall Gallery, NY
“Do the Hustle”, Artspace, CT
“Recollection”, Waterfall Gallery, NY
“Metamorphosis” CityArts, Orlando, FL
“Toy Boat” Nov 30- Mar 2, Artspace, CT
“Super/Natural “, Artspace, CT
“Infinite Grace”, Waterfall Gallery, New York
“SAMRAMANSANG”, New Acquisitions, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
“ Line” 2016 Selected works from New Acquisitions, Seoul Museum of Art , Seoul, Korea
“A Sustaining Life”, Waterfall Gallery, New York
“Artist making Movement” Asian Art Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
“Very Fun Park 2015”, installed at Taipei New Horizon Cultural Corridor, Taipei, Taiwan
"The Lineage of Vision- Progress through Persistence" Korean Cultural Service of New York
“Past Traditions/ New Voices in Asian Art” Hofstra Univ. Museum Emily Lowe Gallery, NY
“Shades of Time”, Achieve Show, Korean Cultural Service of New York and Queens Museum of Art, NY
“Liminality, Luminosity, and the Everyday” selections from CU Art Museum’s collection, Cu Art Museum, University of Colorado Boulder, CO.
“Phantoms of Asia: Contemporary Awakens the Past”, Asian Art Museum, SF, CA
“Drawing Beyond”, Arts Council of Princeton, New York
“Keeping it Real: Korean Artists in the Age of Media Representation”, Cu Art Museum, Univ. of Colorado Boulder, CO
“Construction Sight”, Artist Space, New Haven, CT
Two persons show during Asia Art week, 30th year Anniversary, Kang Collection, NY
“Works & Process “, Drawing performance collaboration with a choreographer, Judith Sanchez, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NY
“Memories of the Future”, Leeum Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
“Faces & Facts”, 30th Anniversary Koran Cultural Service, Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Gallery, NY
“Animal Art”, New Children’s Museum, San Diego, CA
“Re-Imagining Asia”, The New Art Gallery Museum, Walsall, England
“Synthetic Supernova”, Mixed Green Gallery, NY
“Re-Imagining Asia”, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
“Brain Factory Benefit Show” Total Museum of Art, Seoul Korea
“Exquisite Corpse”, Art Space, New Heaven, CT
“Abbondanza”, Salvatore Ferragamo Gallery, NY
Arco’07 Special Guest Country: Korea Exhibition Program, “Buscando la raiz”, Sala Alcala`31, Madrid
The 6th Gwangju Biennale: “Fever Variation”, Gwangju, Korea
Group Show, PS.122 Gallery, NY
“Working Space”, Cuchifritos Gallery, NY
“Wall to Wall Drawing: Selections Summer 2005”, The Drawing Center, NY
“Play Pen”, three days wall drawing in public, The Drawing Center, NY
“Enchantment”, Untitled Space Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
“637 Running Feet: Black on White Wall Drawings by 14 Artists”, Queens Museum of Art, NY
“Diaspora, Difference Division: New York”, 473 Broadway Gallery, NY
“On the Wall”, Untitled Space Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
“Spunky”, Exit Art Gallery, NY
“Freedom Aftermath”, Korean Embassy Gallery, Washington D.C.
“Peripheral Vision”, Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles, California
“Flurry”, Rotunda Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
“Bathe in Blue Light”, collaborated with a composer for a projected animated drawing , Supported by American Composers Alliance, Here Theatre, NY
“98 Contemporary art Invitation”, Seoul City Museum, Seoul, Korea
“Art Now”, Korean Embassy Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Selected Press, Book and Reviews
Dr. Jeong Ae Park, "The Aesthetics of Outsiders: Who is the Korean Artist?", book published, Korea
“Moving through water”, Dr. Julie Nagam, artistic director, Nuit Blanche, Apple Podcast interview, Canada
“Moving through water”, Dr. Julie Nagam, artistic director, Nuit Blanche, Spotify interveiw, Canada
“Be ready to be a Warrior’, Artnet News,_sponsored by Marc Cross
City Arts Orlando Hosts Female Curatorial Series, Orlando Arts Magazine ,May/June , FL
Ornette D. Clennon, Editor, “ International Perspectives of Multiculturalism: The Ethical Challenges”, Nova Book publisher, New York
Danny Globerman, “The life and death of Sun K. Kwak’s work”, Globe and Mail, R8, Feb 17, Canada
Rose Ekins, “Making Spaces Speak”, Canadian Art, Canada
Wonyoung Park, special interview with SCASA, New York
Jeongae Park “International Perspectives on Multiculturalism; The Ethical Challenges”, Nova Science Book Publishers, NY
Yookyung Cho, “Sun K. Kwak: 125 Rolls of Winding, 48 Layers of Piling, 72 Yards of Looping”, Global TV Arirang, Arts Avenue Ep50, Korea
“Sun K. Kwak: 125 Rolls of Winding, 48 Layers of Piling, 72 Yards of Looping” exhibition catalogue published by Gallery Skape, Korea
Sunyoung Lee, Focus review “Crossing in between two dimension and three dimension” and Art in Culture Magazine, Dec. issue, Korea
DBR Dong-A Business Review, Cover page of the magazine and Pg4, Dec. issue, Korea
Heekyung Kang, “The Artists”, Book Published by 1984, Korea
Martha Schwedener, “An Array of Artworks as Vast as a Continent”, work image featured in Art in Review, ,New York Times, Mar. 13th
Gabriella Bower, New York Fashion Week, NYU’s Washington Square News, NY, Feb 19
Antonia Sardone, New York Fashion Week, WWD News, NY, Feb 19
Editor in Chief, New York Fashion Week, Live bold/ Style News, Feb 20
Suki Park, “From Now to Eternity”, New York Culture Beat, NY
“Past/ Traditions: New voices in Asian Art”, Long island Newsday, Sep11th
Alicia Kirby, Mononcle Magazine, London
Mami Kataoka, “Nature Sense” Biocity Magazine, P98-105, Japan
Bomi Sohn, “New York Artists”, Book published by Nomard, Korea
“The James embraces the artistry of Soho with art collection specifically built for the hotel” Artdaily, Dec16
Mami Kataoka, special essay, Bijutsu-Techo. Pg103, Japan, July
Featured work images on junior high and High school Text books, Kyohaksa, Korea
“Phantoms of Asia Contemporary Awakens the Past”, exhibition catalogue published by Asian Art Museum, California
“Keeping it real”, Exhibition catalogue published by Cu Art Museum, University of Colorado Boulder, CO
Sura Wood, “Phantoms of Asia: Contemporary Awakens the Past’ Opens at the Asian Art Museum”, Edge San Francisco, CA, May 28
Sue Adolphson, “6000 years of Old and New”, SF Gate, CA, May13
Jeanne Geritty, “Best of:Year Three”,, CA,
Jesse Hamlin, “Asian Art Museum’s “Phantoms of Asia’ connects” SF Gate, CA, May13
Janet Purcell/ For the Times of Trenton, “Artists Refins ’Drawing’ in Princeton Arts Center exhibit, NJ,April 6
Ilene Cube, “Drawing the Line:Wiggly, Squiggly, and Otherwise”, U.S.1, NJ, Mar 14
Exhibition Picks of the Week, The Gurdian, UK
Mariuccia Casadio, ‘East Next’, Vogue Italia, Sep issue, Italy
‘I’m Not There’, A Source Book, published by Gwangju Biennale foundation as part of the 8th Gwangju Biennale, Korea
Kyu-Hyon Rhee ‘Dear Artist’ interview 20 Contemporary Korean Artists in their studio, published by Alice, Seoul, Korea
Kyu-Hyon Rhee ‘Art Shopping’ pg#176,177, published by Nexus Books, Seoul, Korea
Jun Lee, Documentation program “Dream it_ Breathing life in to Tapes Sun K. Kwak”, Global TV Arirang, Seoul, Korea
Mukta Mohan, ‘Sun K. Kwak’, Title Magazine, Issue #5, Dec. California.
“Sun K Kwak installing enfolding 289 Hours, 2009”,
Ernesto Conde, ‘Sun K. Kwak: Experiencing 280 Hours,’ Art Pulse Magazine, June
Sunghee Lee, Art in Culture, Aug, Korea
Kyu-Hyon Rhee, ‘Every Space becomes Canvas with Black Masking Tape,’ Weekly Chosun, May 4th, Korea
John Hammond, ‘Dive into Sun K. Kwak's Ocean at the Brooklyn Museum', Curator's Choice, The Museum Gazetteer, April 1, New York
Critic's Pick, New York Megazine, April
Morning Eye, Fuji TV on Channel 91, April 9, New York
Mezamashi Morning News, Fuji TV interview, April 7, Japan
NY1 TV, Mar. 28. New York
Around Town top Stories, ‘Meet the Artist behind the Masking Tape’, WNBC-TV, Mar.27, 28, NY
Christopher Koulouris, ‘Sun K. Kwak- Undulating and Winding deep in to your Soul’, Scallywag & Vagabond, Mar.30, New York
Kris Wilton ‘Sun K. Kwak on Enfolding 280 Hours’,, Mar.30, New York
Art in Asia magazine, Mar, Korea
Araceli Cruz, Voice Choices,’Wrap Your Head around It', Village Voice, Mar.18, New York
Eye Witness News, WABC, on air Mar.18, New York
Oren Yaniv, ‘Her unique vision is expressed by tale of the tape’, Daily News, Pg18, Mar.18, NY Stacey Delikat, interview, Brooklyn News12 -TV, Mar.18, New York
Aisha Gawad, ‘Tape That!’, Brooklyn Paper, Page 1,11, Mar.14, New York
Pick, On the Horizon, New Yorker, Mar.16, New York
‘Gallery Make Over’, Leonard Lopate Show-WNYC Radio, Mar.25, NewYork
Sukie Park, ‘First Korean Artist solo show at Brooklyn Museum’, Korea Daily, Page 1, interview on page 22, Feb.18, New York
Edward Marchese, ‘Sun K. Kwak- Times Composed’, Art Pulse Megazine, Oct. U.S.
Shaheen Merali, ‘Re- Imagining Asia, A thousand Years of Separation’, first book published by Saqi, London
Christina Tilmann, ‘What do we know of Asia?’ Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Germany
Deepak Shahdadpuri, Berlin Exhibition Explores Perceptions of Asia, Indian Art News , Berlin, April16,
Radio Interview, radioeins- Berlin- Bühnen, Berlin, Germany
Jihae Kim,'Art and Space: Sun K. Kwak' Bob international magazine of space design, Korea
“Window Show”, Wallganmisool magazine, Feb. issue, Korea
Contemporary ART NOW KOREA”, Catalogue published by Haebora, Seoul, Korea
Buscando La Raiz, Trace Root_Unfolding Korean Stories, catalogue, Seoul, Korea
Jeongim Suh, 'Livable Drawing 2007', Public Art Megazine, Nov. issue, Korea
‘Korea Episode of World in America’, Ebru TV, NY
Elisa Lipsky, ‘Art and Commerce’, W-magazine, Nov. issue, New York
‘Hot Space’, Wallganmisool magazine, May. Korea
Katharine Herrup, ‘Curating Outside the Gallery Space’, The New York Sun, Mar 27, NY
Lisa Loon, ‘Eastern Existencialismo’, La Revista Mensual Del Siglo, Feb.Madrid, Spain
‘Gwangju Biennale 2006 Fever Variation’I, II, published by Design House, Seoul, Korea
Heejung Kim, ‘Sun K. Kwak’s “Untying Space”, Dae Han Daily, Nov 7, Korea
Soeun Kim, ‘Face to face with the Wind of Asia’, Maison Marie Claire, Sep, Korea
‘A day trip to Gwangju Biennale’, KTX magazine, Sep, Oct, Korea
‘Gwangju Biennale’, Wallganmisool magazine, Oct. Korea
Dukjin Cho,‘Going East in a Great Spatial Line Drawing’ Moodeung Daily, Oct 31, Korea
Wanbok Jang, ‘A Plus’, interview for Gwangju Biennale, Arirang TV, #30, Sep21, Korea
Interview for Gwangju Biennale, KBS TV, Sep 5, Korea
Interview for Gwangju Biennale, MBC TV, Sep1, Korea
Gwangju Biennale, Donga daily news, Sep 4, Korea
Gwangju Biennale, Chosun daily news, Sep2, Korea
Kiseek Kim, High score for inviting and interactive‘Open Biennale’, Gwangju Daily Dukjin Cho, ‘Sun K. Kwak’s Eastern Abstract’, Moodeung Daily, Aug 8, Korea
Jinwha Choi, ‘All eyes on the dynamic Drawings connecting the space and time’, Chunnam Daily, Korea
Kiseek Kim, ‘Strength and Identity of Asian Art Surfaces’, Gwangju Daily, Korea
Youngki Yoon, ‘Expressing Eastern Stroke and Chi with Black Masking Tape’, Gwangju Daily, Sep12, Korea
Eunjin Jin, ‘Energy of East Contained in Tape Drawing’, Namdo Daily, Korea
Preview Gwangju Biennale, Art in Culture magazine, Aug. Korea
Interview for Gwangju Biennale, YTN TV, Aug.31 20:00, Korea
Haeyoung Lee’ The work that Accentuates the environment’, Gwangju Dream, Aug24, Korea
‘Village of Light, Presenting Asianism’, Chunnam Daily, July 31, Korea
Soyoung Lee, Interview for Gwangju Biennale, Galleria magazine, May, Seoul, Korea
Noah Chasin, Around Town- Museums, Time Out New York, July, Issue# 510 p.74, NY
Goings on About Town, The New Yorker, July 11, 18, New York
Christopher Howard, ‘Wall-to-Wall Drawings’ The Brooklyn Rail, July, NY
Holland Cotter, ‘Where Drawing is What Counts’, The New York Times, June 25, NY
Maureen Mullarkey, “Nothing to Add to Ground Zero’, The New York Sun, June 30, NY
Essay by Hitomi Iwasaki, The Drawing Center’s Drawing Papers # 53, New York, NY
Mihee Ahn, ‘Art Now in New York’, Open Art, Korea
Carl Mac Gowan, ‘Turning Walls in to Art Queens Museum’, News Day, New York
TaeHee Kim, ‘Special Interview with Sun K. Kwak’, Maison- Marie Claire, Sep., Korea
Freedom Aftermath Show featured on KBN TV, August, Washington DC
Jin Hyae Kim, ‘Sun K. Kwak’s Installation’ The Korea Times March 19, New York
Mihee Ahn, ‘Then & Now; Asian presence of difference,’ Art World, Sep., Seoul, Korea
Eric Miller, ‘Asian-American Art making fascinating exhibit in historic Oella’, Baltimore Guide, Aug24, page #8, #11, Maryland
‘Asian American Art’, Washington Post, Aug, Washington D.C.
Anthony Lane, ‘Flurry’, The New Yorker, 75th anniversary issue, Feb. page 50, New York
Artist Talk/ Visiting Artist
Waterfall Gallery, New York, NY sponsored by Citycorp grant, NY
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Waterfall Gallery, New York, NY
Charles B. Wang Center, Univ. Stony Brook, NY
Lim College, New York, NY
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
Sook Myeong Woman’s Univ., Dong Deok Woman’s Univ. during solo exhibit at Skape Gallery, Seoul
Austin international airport Public Art_Semi Finalist presentation , Texas
Sunjae Art Center, Seoul, Korea
Cu Museum, University of Colorado Boulder, CO
Arts council Princeton, NJ
New York Univ., Thesis Class “Art, Culture and Society”, NY
Sook Myung Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea.
Artist Talk / Work Shops during the exhibition at Brooklyn Museum, NY
“Re-Imagining Asia” Artist talk during conference both at Haus der Kulturen der Welt Museum, Berlin, Germany and Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, U.K
Visiting Artist, Pace Univ., NY
Visiting Artist, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, C.A.
Residency/ Awards/ Selection
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, NY
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, NY
PS.122 Project Studio Residency, NY
Artist Alliance Residency, NY
Henry Street Settlement Artists in Residency, NY
Special Prize, Wave Art Fair, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea
Brooklyn Community Access TV and Rotunda Gallery Joint Residencies Brooklyn, NY
Film and Video Arts, Grant for Project, NY
Selected Collection/ Commission
“Nuit Blanche” Temporal commissioned public art sponsored by city of Toronto and Deloitte, Toronto, Canada
Semi permanent installation at Waterfall Art Foundation, NY
Permanent installation on outer wall at PS298, NY_ “ Kairos”, Collection of the NYC Department of Education, Public Art for Public Schools_ PS298Q, NY
Permanent Collection, “41 Rolls of Winding”, Seoul City Museum of Art, Seoul Korea
“Space Drawing” Long Term installation at Charles B. Wang Center, Univ. Stony Brook, NY(2016-2018)
Permanent Collection, “Rolling Space”, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
Temporal commissioned project, Drawing installation with printed fabric wall and vinyl cut drawing for Runway, LIE SANGBONG, Mercedes Benz Fashion Week at Lincoln Center, NYC
Permanent collection, three wall drawings at roof top lounge, Four Season Hotel, Orlando, FL
Permanent collection, six art walls installation at the entrance and the floor above, Toranomon Hills Mori Tower, Tokyo_ selected by Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Permanent Collection, Drawing on panel with masking tape and paint, reproduction from an installation exhibit at Cu Art Museum, University of Colorado Boulder, CO
Permanent collection, Drawing with ink on paper collection, Solair Wilshire, CA
Commission project, Drawing Performance for KIAF opening ceremony, NY
Permanent collection, Space Drawing with adhesive vinyl on glass elevator site, The James Hotel, NY
Permanent collection, Drawing with paint on eight Plexiglas, Dick and Betsy De Vos, Michigan
Temporal commissioned project, Space Drawing with adhesive vinyl, “Bridge” Art fair Miami, FL
Permanent collection, Space Drawings with masking tape, Rob Southern Inc, NY, NY
Permanent collection, large scale Space Drawing in metal at the entrance wall, Samsung Life Flagship, Seoul _selected by Leeum Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Permanent collection, Space Drawing with masking tape and painting on floor, Voltz Clarke LLC, NY
Permanent collection ,Space Drawing with masking tape on wall, City 75, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, NY
M.A. Studio Art, New York University, New York, U.S.A.
B.F.A. Painting, Sook Myung Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea